Spa and Pool Accessibility Equipment

We supply world-class engineered pool and spa accessibility equipment to assist users in entering and exiting the water safely.

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Importance of Pool Accessibility

pool accessibilty and disability equipment with 2 boys

For swimming pools and spas, ensuring accessibility for everyone is paramount. Whether it’s for public pools or a residential swimming pool, the need to provide a safe and inclusive environment is essential.

This is where accessibility equipment comes into play. Designed to cater to individuals with diverse mobility, this equipment not only enhances accessibility but also contributes to a sense of inclusivity and safety.

Domestic and Commercial Pool Accessibility Equipment

portable aquatic lifts for commercial pools.

Pool accessibility equipment is specially designed to provide individuals of varying abilities with the opportunity to enjoy swimming and water-based activities.

It includes a range of features and options that cater to different levels of mobility. From portable pool lifts to adjustable aquatic wheelchairs and rails, suitable for public and private pools alike.

Our Range of Pool Accessibility Equipment

  • Adjustable and Flexible Models: Our pool accessibility equipment boasts adjustable features that allow it to cater to individuals with different needs. These flexible models can be customised to provide optimal comfort and safety.
  • Para Mobility: The equipment is designed with para mobility in mind, enabling individuals to enjoy the benefits of swimming and water-based activities with ease.
  • Safety Features: Safety is a top priority when it comes to pool accessibility equipment. Many models come with seat belts and secure fastening mechanisms to ensure users remain safe and supported throughout their pool experience.
  • Ease of Installation: Our equipment is designed for easy installation, making it a convenient addition to any pool or spa environment.
  • Space-Saving Designs: We offer equipment with space-saving designs, ensuring that your pool area remains functional and visually appealing while integrating the accessibility equipment.

Who Can Benefit From Our Pool Accessibility Equipment?

Pelican aquatic lift with seat for commercial and public pools

Our pool equipment is beneficial for a wide range of individuals, including people with disabilities, seniors, individuals recovering from injuries, and those with limited mobility.

It ensures that everyone can enjoy the pool safely and comfortably.

Why Choose Our Pool and Spa Accessibility Equipment?

When it comes to providing reliable and top-quality pool equipment, we stand out for several reasons:

  • Quality and Safety: Our equipment is designed and manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring quality, durability, and safety for all users.
  • Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we understand the unique needs of our clients. Our expertise allows us to offer a range of options that cater to various types of pools and spas.
  • Inclusivity: We believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our pool accessibility equipment contributes to making your pool area a place where everyone can enjoy the water.
  • Customer Approach: Our customer approach means that we prioritise your needs and preferences. We work closely with you to find the right pool equipment solution that meets your requirements.
  • Positive User Experiences: Countless users have benefited from our accessibility equipment, transforming their pool experiences. The positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied users speak volumes about the impact of our products.

Make Your Pool Accessible and Inclusive

Pelican Lift with 150kg Wheelchair - AquaChem

Installing pool accessibility equipment is a transformative step toward making your pool or spa area a more accessible and inclusive space.

It’s a choice that not only benefits individuals with mobility challenges but also enhances the overall safety and atmosphere of your pool area.

Whether you’re looking to accommodate people ageing gracefully, individuals with disabilities, or simply seeking to provide a safer environment for all, our range of pool accessibility equipment has you covered.

Contact Aquachem for Quality Pool and Spa Equipment

Take the first step toward making your pool more accessible and inclusive. Explore our range of pool accessibility equipment and discover the features that align with your needs.

With safety, quality, and inclusivity at the forefront, our equipment is designed to offer a seamless and enjoyable pool experience for everyone.

Reach out to us today to learn more and to discuss which equipment options are right for your pool or spa.

Make your pool a place where everyone can access the water and experience the joy of swimming with confidence.